Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Falling For Fall Tag!

This tag was created by glittertOgold on YouTube..

1. Apple cider or Hot chocolate
 I do not like apple cider at all.I'm all for hot Chocolate! It's my favorite actually.I love it on a cold day to warm me up.
2. Thanksgiving or Halloween?
This questions is so hard. I love thanksgiving but than I love Halloween. I love pumpkins and all the fun things that comes along with Halloween.The only thing I don't like about Halloween are the scary things ( Bloody Costumes). I don't like people jumping out at me. I like the pretty princess costumes!🎃 I love how thanksgiving is mostly about family and food. So I would have to choose Thanksgiving over Halloween.
3. Do you call it alum or fall?
I call it fall, even though I found this picture on pinterest and love it!  

4. Favorite Halloween costume?
My favorite costume as a kid was probably when I was a fairy. I loved it so much that I ended up being the same thing a few years in a row. Haha!
5. Favorite show in the fall?
I don't have a favorite show just for the fall.There isn't just one that I watch in the fall. But I love pretty little lairs which they have made some great  ones for Halloween. But I love watching  ABC family  Halloween movies. I love Halloween town!( on Disney channel)  I watch it pretty much every year.
6. Favorite Halloween candy?
Candy corn is my favorite Halloween Candy.But I never got it when I went tick or treating though. My favorite candy as a kid that I got while tick or treating would have to be Snickers.
7. Trick or treat?
Treat! I have a crazy sweet tooth and I'm not into tricks or jokes. I do not like people doing them to me so I don't do them, I really don't like people jumping out at me and scarring me.
8. Crave pumpkins or eat pumpkin pie?
I crave pumpkins!! 
9. Do you shop black Friday?
I have gone the past few years but it's not a every year thing I must do.

10. What's one thing you love about fall and one thing you hate about fall?
I love everything about fall, pumpkins, pumpkin spice latte, layering clothes, boots, scafts, and the trees changing it's just beautiful. 
I don't really like how it gets colder but than I do so I can wear boots and scafts. I kind of have a love hate relationship haha. I hated it has a child because that's when we had to go back to school and wake up early. I'm not really a morning person. I like to wake up on my own not be forced. So that is for sure one thing I really hated about fall and still do:)

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